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Betty Mula, Betty Campbell, Emma Singer & Umatji Tjapalyi

26 May to 22 June 2023

Short St Gallery, Broome

Nganampa Tjukurpa

Robert Fielding solo exhibition

4 to 14 May 2023

blackartprojects, Melbourne

PunaYanima at Paralpi APY Lands - photo by Meg Hansen courtesy the artists and Mimili Maku


Group exhibition of Mimili Maku artists

11 April to 5 May 2023

Aboriginal Signature Gallery, Bruxelles


Tuppy Ngintja Goodwin

5 April to 22 April 2023

OLSEN Gallery, Sydney


Mimili Maku Arts Pop Up

Anita Pumani, Josina Pumani, Betty Campbell

30 March to 4 April 2023

Everywhen Artspace, Mornington

The National 4 : New Australian Art

Robert Fielding, Milpatjunanyi

24 March to 23 July 2023

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

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Annual Collectors Show

Betty Kuntiwa Pumani & Marina Pumani Brown

1 February - 10 March 2023

Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne

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Rising Stars

Betty Tjulpukuna Campbell & Umatji Tjapalyi

20 February  - 13 March 2023

Outstation Gallery, Darwin

© Mimili Maku Arts 2023

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