Pauline was born in Indulkana Community on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands and grew up in the neighbouring community of Mimili, where she lives and works today. Pauline started working at the art centre when it was first founded. For many years, Pauline was a dedicated artworker supporting staff and artists in the daily running of the art centre. In 2019, she started focusing entirely on her painting practice, bringing new dedication and focus to her artwork. This resulted in her first solo exhibitions at Short St Gallery in Broome in 2022 and 2023.

Pauline’s paintings resonate with a deep appreciation for the landscape and the stories that have created it, featuring elaborate detail and meandering pathways reflecting the intricately woven network of waterways and storylines on country. When she is not painting, Pauline loves to sing and play keyboard, or go on bushtrips, collecting mingkulpa (bush tobacco) and sharing her knowledge of country with family and visitors alike.

Pauline Wangin

Selected Artworks

Selected exhibitions & ProjectS

Generation Flex
APY Gallery, Adelaide