Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia for The National 2019 : New Australian Art, this is the largest and last painting created by the late Kunmanara Williams, a final, timely and piercing statement about the sovereignty of Anangu:

Maruku Tjukurpa titutjara alatjitu ngaranyi tjitji malatja malatja tjutaku kulu Tjukurpa kunpu alatjitu.      

Kamanta ngunti walytjaringanyi munu manta Tjukurpa kurani.

Kunta wiyangku alatjitu.

Manta nyanga miilmiilpa tjara wantima tjawantja wiyangku.

Kulinma, munuya pitjala nyangama wati tjilpi tjutangku atunytju kanyilpai.

Ruta palyantja wiyangku manta miilmiilpa wanungku nganampa Tjukurpa kurani.

Kamantaku Tjukurpa wiya.

Nganampa manta. Nganampa Tjukurpa. Nganampa ara.

Tjukurpa miilmiilpa tjara.

Black skinned Aboriginal people have always had powerful Tjukurpa dreaming law and have passed it down through generations since time began.

The government simply cannot claim ownership of this land and must never destroy cultural heritage sites.

The shame of it.

Do not destroy sacred sites or dig up the land around them.

Listen, if you come here, you must accept that the law of our land is under the control of our senior men.

Do not plan to build roads in the vicinity of sacred sites, because of the risk of destroying Tjukurpa.

The government doesn’t have Tjukurpa.

This is our land. Our Tjukurpa. Our cultural heritage.

Our Tjukurpa is sacred.

(Kunmanara Mumu Mike Williams, 2019)

Kunmanara (Mumu Mike) Williams
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